Dear Members,
It is with enormous pleasure and relief that I get to announce that the squash club will be fully open to all forms of squash, racketball and snooker on Monday 17th May 2021.
We have tried our best to navigate through these uncertain times as a club with patience, humility and moral integrity to ensure we are beyond reproach yet always ready at the very first opportunity to take the next step towards what we used to know as normality. I can only thank everyone involved in helping us achieve this and a huge thank to you, the members of HSRC for your patience and kind words.
As previously we continue to take our lead from the sport's governing body, who have given the advice around playing on the following link, which can be summarised as:
- Adults and juniors from different households can play full court squash
- Up to four adults or juniors can get on court at any time allowing for doubles.
- You
must continue to observe current UK Government advice on COVID-19 for
your own health and safety, and everyone at the club. Key things to
remember are:
- Maintain social distancing off court.
- Wear a face covering off court.
- Wash your hands before and after you play.
- Abide by local rules e.g. 1 way systems etc. - Gym booking system will remain for now.
As part of the full re-opening, the showers will be fully available to you and we would ask that you try to be relatively quick in the changing room areas to prevent unnecessary congregating in one area – the court times will remain staggered to help reduce this risk.
Junior Coaching
We are also pleased to open our junior coaching back up to the young people who have no doubt all been impacted over the past 12 months. Cath Brown will email the parents that had previously used this facility and if you can think of anyone that might also benefit from this please do get in touch or forward on Cath’s details ( or 07795 264479).
Opening the Bar
We are looking to open the bar in a staged way starting with Fridays only for now and moving to pre-lockdown hours as soon as we can once the demand increases and we get back into the full swing of things. We will advise further on this in the near future.
Ladders and Competitions
Ladders will be back in June 2021, so it will be great to get the rich mix of layers back on court with each other and club competitions will be planned for a point in the not too distant future. Alan will contact previous ladder competitors and attach a new sign-up sheet to the club noticeboard shortly.
Our committee has already identified a few events with 3rd July being our Wooden Rackets competition and Club BBQ, and 4th December hosting our annual Xmas Party. We are also looking to hold a belated club birthday party as last year was our 85th anniversary of being founded so another great excuse to get together and have a few drinks.
So there we have it, the news we have all being waiting for - the next step (or rather leap forward) to getting normality back in our lives.
Thanks again for bearing with us and for your fantastic ongoing support.
There may be a few more hurdles ahead but I am comforted in the knowledge that the brilliant people that serve this club, who have ensured our future over the past 15 months, would do the same at the drop of a hat in the future to maintain our place as the best club in the area 😊
See you soon,
Dan Brown
Chairman, on behalf of the Committee